Woman Gets Rejected by Gaston at Disney World

get roasted: 非難する、ひどく当たる

Did I just get roasted?

Hillary Clinton at the 2017 HRC National Dinner

sexual deviancy; 性的逸脱行為

Just last month, six men were arrested for "promoting sexual deviancy" after waving a pride flag at a concert in Cairo, Egypt. 

condemn; to criticize sth; 非難する

consensual; with the willing agreement; 合意に基づく

But no, that's exactly what our country voted against a resolution to condemn the use of death penalty for consensual same-sex relationships. (News)


Non-denominational Christian; 特定宗派に属さないキリスト信者

pastor; 牧師

My mom's dad is a pastor. 

look down upon; 見下す、蔑む
look down onとも。
(例)I think they look down on me because I don't have a job. 

Don't give me that look; そんな顔しないでよ

It is true but there are downsides with that freedom of expressing yourself and everything comes the hatred and comes the people who are against you and want to knock you down because of it. There are some people who look down upon it or whatever like don't give me looks when I find out. 

Sixteen Candles (1/10) Movie CLIP - They Forgot My Birthday (1984) HD

pouty; 唇をとがらせた顔つき
すねたような顔をpouty faceといいます。

Don't give me that pouty look of yours. 

今回はCNN Student NEWSから。
この日のニュースは閲覧時期によって削除されている場合もありますのでご注意ください。引用は、すべてCNN TRANSCRIPTSからです。

October 17, 2016の8分後半の内容です。


; (/kwɪntˈʌplɪ)五つ子

The three guys and two girls are quintuplets. Their boss says they`re great workers and that if she needs a shift covered, she`s got a really good shot at it by just calling one house.

fraternal ;(adj) 兄弟の
fraternal twins で二卵性双生児となります

  There`s no doubt they have a fraternal bound and as long as there`s no sibling rivalry, their five-part harmony shows how all the jobs in the restaurant are related.

You could say that having them on staff is quintessential.

Ben Platt Is VERY Ready to Return to NYC

vaxxed: = vaccinated: ワクチン済みである
vaxxedとは、ワクチンを接種した状態であることを意味する最新スラングです。知らない人も多いので、普通にI'm vaccinated. を使いましょう。(参考

get waxed: ワックスで脱毛する

You're vaxxed, You're waxed
(Vaxxed and waxed, and ready to goというフレーズがTikTokで流行ったため、使っているのでしょう。この会話においてwaxedに意味はなく、ただの語呂合わせとして使われています。)

人生に一度は行ってみたい!もう感動〜!ホワイト・サンズ☆ White Sands! [Eng-Sub]〔#633〕

dune; 砂丘
このWhite Sandsは、アメリカ中南部のニューメキシコ州にあります。

We've got the dunes all to ourselves basically. 


bop; ポップを踊る
【トリビア】ビジネスの現場では、BOPビジネスという言葉が使われます。これはBase of the economic pyramidの略で、「低所得層を対象とする国際的な事業活動」のことを言います。ここでは全く関係ありません。

I'll bop. 

今回はCNN Student NEWSから。
この日のニュースは閲覧時期によって削除されている場合もありますのでご注意ください。引用は、すべてCNN TRANSCRIPTSからです。

protest ; 抗議、反対
loot; 略奪する、強奪する

Tuesday night, there were protests and violence in Charlotte. Stores were looted. 


unarmed ; 非武装の、武器を持っていない


More tensions and protests in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where last Friday, a white police officer shot an unarmed black man named Terence Crutcher. 

irrelevant(/irelevent/) ; 不適切な、見当違いの、無関係の
relevant が関係があるという意味ですから、irがつくことで反対の意味になっています。
intoxicate (/inta':ksekeit/) ; 酔わせる(他動詞)
be intoxicated で”酒によっている”、”興奮している、有頂天になっている”という意味になります。ここでは、射殺された黒人の車の中からドラッグが見つかったと言っていたため、”(ドラッグにより)興奮している”という意味になります。

A lawyer for the Crutcher family says it`s irrelevant if Crutcher was intoxicated, that police should not have used deadly force. 

correspondent ; (テレビの)記者
enthusiasm ; 強い関心、興味、熱狂

MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Pennsylvania Republicans counting on enthusiasm. 

momentum ; 勢いがある、はずみにのっている

MARQUEZ: The last time Pennsylvania went Republican, 1988. The latest poll shows Clinton ahead in the states. But with exceptionally tight races 

in Ohio and Florida, Republicans here sense momentum. 

presidency ; 大統領の地位

(on camera): If Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania?

TERRY MADONNA, DIR. FRANKLIN & MARSHALL COLLEGE POLL: He wins the presidency. Here`s why: Pennsylvania is more Democratic than both Florida and Ohio. 

swing voters ; 揺れ動く投票者、すなわち浮動票投票者のこと

MADONNA: You cannot lose the Philadelphia suburbs. Not only are we talking about a large number of votes, but we`re talking about the largest pool of swing voters. 


surrogate (/se:regeit/); 代理人

Her most powerful surrogate, President Obama, made his first solo campaign on behalf of Clinton right here in Philly. 

burn out ; (今の状況に)うんざりしている
delegate ; 下院議員 (ここではサンダース下院議員)

MARQUEZ: Clinton seeking support from younger voters. Many still burned out from a primary in which their guy didn`t win. 

Jordyn Tannenbaum was a Bernie Sanders delegate.

Like many, she says fear of a Trump presidency is a bigger motivation than love for Clinton. 


colorectal cancer ; 大腸あたりのガン(専門用語)bowel cancer とも。

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have stage three colorectal cancer. 


rabbit hole: 迷い込むと抜け出せない底なし沼

I would end up in a rabbit hole of checking social media and random messages. 

From dream to reality: Owning a French castle

get cold feet: おじけづく, become nervous or frightened

(Name) bought his castle in 2012, but now he's gotten cold feet


Jimmy Kimmel on Mass Shooting in Las Vegas

Second Amendment; 憲法修正第2条

forefather; 先祖

The Second Amendment, I guess, our forefathers wanted us to have AK-47s is the argument.

British English Expressions - English Countryside Vlog | Learn English with Lucy


swallow your pride; 恥ずかしいけどやろうと決める

I'll have to swallow my pride. 

今回はCNN Student NEWSから。
この日のニュースは閲覧時期によって削除されている場合もありますのでご注意ください。引用は、すべてCNN TRANSCRIPTSからです。

Aired September 23, 2016 版です。

tolerate ; 許容する、耐える

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We cannot tolerate violence. We cannot tolerate the destruction of property. And we`ll not tolerate the attacks toward our 

police officers.

declare; 宣言する、断言する
protest ; 抗議、反対

 In the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, a state of emergency. Governor Pat McCrory declared it Wednesday night, the second of violent protest.


They started out as people, but that changed overnight. Protesters looted stores, set fires and vandalized cars and buildings. 

attorney; 弁護士
manslaughter ; 殺人罪(故意性はない殺人罪)

 In Tulsa, Oklahoma, a district attorney announced Thursday that Officer Betty Shelby would be charged with first degree manslaughter. 

carcinogenic ; 発がん性の

The U.S. government says high levels of it in the air can be carcinogenic, meaning they can cause cancer. 

carcinogen (/ka"rsinedgen/) ; 【名】発ガン性

Chromium-6 is a heavy metal and a carcinogen. 

fetus; 胎児

Scientists who study chromium-6 say they`re concerned about even very low levels of exposure to chromium-6 when it`s a child or an infant or developing fetus.

breach ; 違反

AZUZ: Yesterday, the Yahoo technology company confirmed what could be one of the largest cyber security breaches ever.

The breach has said to have happened in late 2014. 

jaw (/dgo:/);あご

Researchers say because you constantly moving your jaw while you chew it, it can burn calories, maybe around 11 per hour. 

prosperity; 繁栄、成功

The planned topics will center on the direction of the country, how to keep Americans safe and how to achieve prosperity.

senetor ; 上院議員

COOPER: John F. Kennedy, a young senator from Massachusetts, facing off against Vice President Richard Nixon, who is known to be a fierce debater. 

profusely; ひどく、非常に

But on screen, Kennedy looks cool and calm, while Nixon looks uncomfortable, sweating profusely under the hot studio lights. 

comparison; 比較、匹敵するもの
elicit ; 情報を引き出す
blistering; 痛烈な、
blister は”水ぶくれ”という意味があります。

COOPER: During the 1988 vice presidential debate, Republican Senator Dan Quayle`s comparison of John F. Kennedy elicits this blistering response from his opponent. 

feet ; 1フィート12インチ。30.48cmに等しい。
inch ; 2.54cmに等しい

She`s a Great Dane, so great she set a Guinness world record for her height of almost three feet, two inches. 

John Bolton says Trump ‘not fit for office’ l GMA

play someone like a fiddle: 意のままに操る
fiddle には、バイオリンの意味があります。バイオリンのように、誰かを操ることから、たやすく誰かを操ることができるという意味になります。

I think Putin thinks he can play him(Trump) like a fiddle

Chrissy Teigen Surprised John Legend with a Father’s Day Dinner

incarcerated; 収監された、投獄された
incarceration は紹介済み

America is the most incarcerated country in the world. 
(アメリカは、世界で一番 Prison rates (Incarceration rates)が高いらしい。日本の100倍程度か。)

people who were formerly incarcerated,....

Teens peer pressure friend to abuse cough syrup | WWYD?

sound advice: 適切なアドバイス
以前、safe and sound も紹介しました。

Owen Wilson On New Movie ‘Wonder’: ‘Hopefully You’ll Be Inspired’ | TODAY

intimidate; (v) to make fearful; 脅す
intimidation が名詞。ここでは、「(才能により)おじけずく」というように、圧倒される意味で使われています。画像検索でわかるように、強い攻撃を表す場合もあります。

Is there an intimidation factor working with her? 
- There is. Maybe it's intimidation or just nervous to meet her...
(Julia Robertsとの共演で、彼女の才能におじけずく)

Young Sheldon (CBS) "Boy Genius" Promo HD - The Big Bang Theory Prequel Spinoff

clique; a narrow exclusive group; 仲間グループ

Every high school has cliques, jocks, and popular girls. 

credential; evidence of authority; (仕事に必要な)経歴

Five minutes into my math class, he questioned my credentials. 
He said I was intimidated by his intelligence.

実際のドラマでは、He said I was intimidated by his intelligence, and then, he offered to be my "leader". と実は続きます。(Young Sheldon E01(12;38))


Aired October 20, 2016
最高裁判所の判事について話しています(Supreme court justice)

conservative ;保守的な、政治的伝統を重んじる
bent ; (n) 気質 
; 修正 

DONALD TRUMP;They will have a conservative bent. They will be protecting the Second Amendment. 

; (v)栄える

CLINTON: When the middle class thrives, America thrives. And so, my plan is based on growing the economy, giving middle-class families many more opportunities.

regime ; 政権
President Obama's regime でオバマ政権になります。 

TRUMP: During President Obama`s regime, we`ve doubled our national debt.

be sucked out
suck 吸引する→取り除くとなります。

Our jobs are being taken out by the deal that her husband signed, NAFTA, one of the worst deals ever. Our jobs are being sucked out of our economy.

terminate; 終わらす


I am going to renegotiate NAFTA. And if I can`t make a great deal -- then we`re going to terminate NAFTA and we`re going to create new deals. 

amnesty ; 一般的な感謝、恩赦

She wants to give amnesty, which is a disaster and very unfair to all of the people that are waiting on line for many, many years. We need strong borders.

deploy ; (v)広げていく、やっていく、展開する 

CLINTON: There are some limited places where that was appropriate. There also is necessarily going to be new technology and how best to deploy that.

But it is clear, when you look at what Donald has been proposing, he started his campaign bashing immigrants, calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals and drug dealers, that he has a very different view about what we should do to deal with immigrants.
