13 reasons why にでてきた単語を紹介します。関連記事はこちらこちら


biceps; 二頭筋

What if girls made a list and you got worst biceps.
pep rally; 決起集会

Missed you at the pep rally. And at practice. 
Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. 
(Justinが学校をずっと休み、pep rallyにも出なかったことをコーチと話しています。)

My heart is beating fast. やMy heart is racing.とも言うことができます。

My heart is pounding right now. 
horseradish; ホースラディッシュ

hangover; 二日酔い
名詞のため、I have a hangover.のように"a"をつけます。

What is that? 
Hot sauce, horseradish, kale, a raw egg, and, uh, about six other things designed to cure a hangover. 
Whore; 売春婦、尻軽女

"Bitch" "Slut" "Whore" "Die"
burglar; 侵入者

What, like a burglar? Like someone taking pictures. 

a load (of laundry); 洗濯一回
I want to do a load of laundry.ということができます。

In 17 years, I've had no evidence that's true. I'm doing a load anyway. 
(Clayがシーツを洗濯したいと母親に相談。母がやるといわれたシーン)of laundryの部分をここでは省略して言っています。
soccer mom; サッカーママ、教育ママ

God, you would make the best soccer mom, dude. 
Thank you, Jess. 

DTF; Down To Fu**; ヤリマン

Make a girl wait if she's still there after your show, you know she's DTF.
What's DTF? Dude, spell it out.

beat off; 自慰行為をする

They know you beat off to Hannah's picture. 
state-of-the-art; 最新鋭の

Oh, and right here is the library, where you can find books and tables and chairs and all that stuff state-of-the-art computers, at least if the art was ten years ago and friendly librarians.
Not super bright always, but friendly.

prick; a penis, a worthless asshole
nuance; ニュアンス、微妙な差異

He's a dick, he's a prick, and he's a cock.
- Okay, those are the same things.
No, they're nuances of meaning.

How's your financial aid? How's your GPA?
- Could be better.
- I haven't
You haven't taken your PSAT yet?
AA meeting; Alcoholics Anonymous meeting; 飲酒問題を解決したいと願うグループの集まり

But that poetry group looked like an AA meeting.
Or a support group.
snob; 紳士気取りのやつ、見栄っ張りなやつ、嫌味なやつ

Ryan Shaver, Liberty High's resident intellectual, editor of Lost and Found, general selfish snob.
faggot; ゲイ

You do? I'm a skinny faggot who writes poems.
skank; ヤリマン、ふしだらな女

I wonder who's the skank who wrote this!

leftover; (食べ物の)残り物

Okay, so I'm gonna heat up some leftovers.
suspend; to come to a stop, usually temporarily; 停学処分にする

They suspend you?
- Three days.

drizzling; 静かに雨が降る(弱い雨)

It just started drizzling. 
rebellious; 反抗的な

I was feeling rebellious. 

subpoenas; 召喚状(裁判所からの)

Did you guys get subpoenas too?
murmur; かすかな人声

The murmur of voices

radiant; 晴れやかな、明るい

You look like radiant today. 

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