Young Sheldonをようやく見たので、ここに出てきた単語を解説する。PCで見ることを推奨。
Season1 E1:
Young Sheldon: Sheldon Plays Cards With Meemaw (Season 1 Episode 3 Clip) | TBS
Young Sheldon: Sheldon Chokes on a Sausage (Season 1 Episode 4 Clip) | TBS
Young Sheldon Episode 1x10 Sheldon Loves His New School || Young Sheldon Scenes
doctorate; 博士号
【例】I have a doctorate in physics.
noncommutative; 非可変
Algebraic Topology; 代数的位相幾何学
What's your doctorate in?
- Noncommutative Algebraic Topology.
Sheldon Before leaving home - Young Sheldon S01E10
haven't given it a thought; 考えたこともない
I haven't given it much thought. (あまりよく考えたことがない)ともいいます。
【例】I haven't given much thought to my future.
Are you gonna miss me?
- I haven't given it any thought. (全く考えたことがない)
( Sheldon が別れる最後の夜...)
この数学力でテレビに出てすごいといわれるとは、アメリカの数学力の低さが伺える。彼の親は中国系出身で、きっちりとした教育を受けさせているのだろう。彼は7th gradeの12歳だそう。日本では中学1年生。こういう日本人はたくさんいる。
Is Andy Smarter Than a Child Genius?
Season1 E1:
Word |
Meaning |
Tater Tots | Bite-sized pieces of deep-fried grated potatoes, often served as a side dish 上の動画0:46に出てきます。コロッケのような小さい食べ物。 |
"I'll have a burger and tater tots for lunch today." |
"今日の昼ご飯はバーガーとテーター・トッツを頼みます。" | |
Retaliate | To take revenge or pay back (usually for harm suffered) こちらでは retaliation を紹介済み。 |
"She threatened to retaliate if he didn't apologize." | |
"彼が謝らなければ報復すると脅した。" | |
Descended | To move or come down from a higher to a lower level ここでは、They (Testicles) descended when I was 15. という表現で使われています。Undescended testicles が通常の位置に下りてきていないことを意味し、赤ん坊男児の4%が当たると言われています。通常は3-6ヶ月で正常になるようです。 |
"The sun descended below the horizon." | |
"太陽が地平線へ沈んだ" | |
Doofus | A stupid or foolish person |
"Don't be a doofus, remember to bring your keys." | |
"バカにしないで、キーを持って行くことを覚えておいて。" | |
Gullible | Easily fooled or deceived こちらで紹介済み。 |
"She was too gullible and fell for the scam." | |
"彼女はあまりにも簡単に騙され、詐欺に引っかかった。" | |
Bowtie | A type of necktie that is tied in a bow |
"He always wears a bowtie to formal events." | |
"彼はフォーマルなイベントでは常にボウタイを着用する。" | |
Revolting | Disgusting, offensive, or repulsive 高校のトイレに入って、sheldonが一言。 |
"The smell of the garbage was revolting." | |
"ゴミのにおいが嫌悪な感じだった。" | |
Diaphanous | Light, delicate, and transparent クラスの女性を指差して一言。 |
"The diaphanous curtains let in the soft light." | |
"透明なカーテンは優しい光を通していた。" | |
Brassiere | A woman's undergarment worn to support the breasts |
"She went shopping for a new brassiere." | |
"彼女は新しいブラジャーを買いに行った。" | |
Purell | A brand of hand sanitizer アメリカの消毒液のこと。 I wouldn't touch my brother's hand until 17 years later, thanks to the invention of Purell. として使われました。これを知っていないと笑えません。 |
"She always keeps a bottle of Purell in her bag." | |
"彼女はいつもハンド・サニタイザーのピュアルをバッグに入れている。" |
Remedy | A cure or treatment for a disease or medical condition |
"The doctor prescribed a remedy for her headache." "医者は彼女の頭痛のための薬を処方しました。" |
Well, I know Mom is concerned that I don't have any friends, so I'm determined to remedy the situation.
Young Sheldon: Sheldon Plays Cards With Meemaw (Season 1 Episode 3 Clip) | TBS
Eat Him Alive | To criticize or attack someone harshly Sheldon が教会で前に出て叱責する時に使われました。 |
"The boss ate him alive for his mistakes." "上司は彼のミスのために彼を厳しく批判しました。" |
Poached | To illegally take or catch something, especially wildlife or fish 卵をプレゼントしに持ってきた少年が I don't like poached. と言いました。 |
"The poachers were caught red-handed trying to poach elephants." "密猟者たちは象を密猟しようとしているところを見つけられました。" |
Pull Through | To recover from a difficult or serious situation go through もこちらで紹介済み。 |
"The patient pulled through the surgery and is now in stable condition." "患者は手術から回復し、現在安定しています。" |
Dollars to Doughnuts | A sure thing, a guarantee Dollars to doughnuts, your daddy's just got a bad case of gas. という形で使われました。 |
"I bet dollars to doughnuts that the sun will rise tomorrow." "私は明日の太陽が昇ることを(ドルとドーナツに)賭けます。" |
A Bad Case of Gas | Excessive flatulence or farting 子供たちを安心させるために、お父さんはお腹にガスが溜まっているだけだと伝えています。 |
"I've got a bad case of gas after eating that spicy food." "私はその辛い食べ物を食べた後、ガスがたくさん出ています。" |
Bluffing | Pretending to have a strength or confidence that one does not actually have こちらで紹介済み。 |
"He was bluffing about his poker skills and lost all his chips." "彼はポーカーのスキルについてブラフをして、すべてのチップを失いました。" |
Powdering My Nose | A polite way to say going to the bathroom to fix one's appearance 女性がトイレに行くことをいい感じに言った表現です。 |
"Excuse me, I need to powder my nose." "すみません、ちょっと化粧直ししてきますね。" |
Dang It | An expression of frustration or annoyance |
"Dang it, I missed my flight." "残念、私は飛行機に乗り遅れました。" |
Rascals | People who cause trouble or mischief, especially children rascal は「ならず者、いたずら野郎」を意味します。 |
"The rascals in the hill were caught stealing apples from the orchard." "丘にいたいたずら野郎たちは果樹園からリンゴを盗もうとして捕まりました。" |
Young Sheldon: Sheldon Chokes on a Sausage (Season 1 Episode 4 Clip) | TBS
Forego | To give up, renounce, or do without 上の動画で出てきます。 |
"I will forego dessert in order to stick to my diet." "私はダイエットを崩さないためにデザートを放ります。" |
Linoleum | A type of floor covering made from linseed oil, resin, and cork powder インテリア素材のことであり、覚える必要はありません。 |
"The kitchen floor was covered in linoleum." "キッチンの床はリノリウムで覆われていました。" |
Formica | A brand name for a type of plastic material used for countertops and table tops こちらも覚える必要はありません。 |
"The kitchen countertops were made of Formica." "キッチンのカウンターテーブルはフォーミカ製でした。" |
Constipation | The condition of having difficulty in passing stool or having infrequent bowel movements constipated で紹介済み。 |
"I have been suffering from constipation lately." "最近、便秘に苦しんでいます。" |
Quirks | A peculiar behavior or habit that is unique to an individual Sheldonでも quirks and oddities という形で出てきました。 |
"Everyone has their own quirks and oddities." "誰もが自分だけの特異な行動や癖を持っています。" |
Oddities | Something unusual, strange, or surprising |
"The museum was filled with oddities and curiosities." "博物館は奇妙なものや興味津々なものでいっぱいでした。" |
It Got Us Thrown | Something that resulted in being thrown out or evicted |
"It got us thrown out of the restaurant." "レストランから追い出されました。" |
Give The Beanbag a Whirl | To give something a try or test it out give -- a whirl で「--を試してみる」という意味があります。オフィスに置いてある、beanbag(人間がダメになるクッション)を試してみよう、と言っています。 |
"Let's give the beanbag a whirl." "ビーンバッグを試してみましょう。" |
Young Sheldon Episode 1x10 Sheldon Loves His New School || Young Sheldon Scenes
doctorate; 博士号
【例】I have a doctorate in physics.
noncommutative; 非可変
Algebraic Topology; 代数的位相幾何学
What's your doctorate in?
- Noncommutative Algebraic Topology.
Sheldon Before leaving home - Young Sheldon S01E10
haven't given it a thought; 考えたこともない
I haven't given it much thought. (あまりよく考えたことがない)ともいいます。
【例】I haven't given much thought to my future.
Are you gonna miss me?
- I haven't given it any thought. (全く考えたことがない)
( Sheldon が別れる最後の夜...)
この数学力でテレビに出てすごいといわれるとは、アメリカの数学力の低さが伺える。彼の親は中国系出身で、きっちりとした教育を受けさせているのだろう。彼は7th gradeの12歳だそう。日本では中学1年生。こういう日本人はたくさんいる。
Is Andy Smarter Than a Child Genius?
dumb; stupid
Kids, they are amazing, and watching them makes me feel both dumb and stupid at the same time.
multiply; かける
Calculate 14 × 2 - 11, and finally multiply by 2
Triskaidekaphobia; 13恐怖症
This Friday is Friday 13th. Triskaidekaphobia
3 to the power of x; 3のx乗
e to the power of x で「eのx乗」になります。
If 3 to the power of x times 9 equals 81, what is the value of x?
Answer; 2.
the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
circumference; (/sekAmferens/)円周
diameter; 直径
digit; 桁、any of the numbers from 0 to 9 (OALD)
Everyone knows that pie is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, but what are the first 10 digits of pie?
woodchuck; 北アメリカに多くいるかわいいネズミ類
chuck; to throw away
If a woodchuck could chuck 60 pounds of wood in 1.5 days, how many pounds of wood would a woodchuck chuck in 6 days?
Answer 240
consecutive prime numbers; 連続する素数(2,3, 5,7,,,)
The sum of three consecutive prime numbers is 173. What is the largest of these numbers?
Answer 61
dumb; stupid
Kids, they are amazing, and watching them makes me feel both dumb and stupid at the same time.
multiply; かける
Calculate 14 × 2 - 11, and finally multiply by 2
Triskaidekaphobia; 13恐怖症
This Friday is Friday 13th. Triskaidekaphobia
3 to the power of x; 3のx乗
e to the power of x で「eのx乗」になります。
If 3 to the power of x times 9 equals 81, what is the value of x?
Answer; 2.
the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter
circumference; (/sekAmferens/)円周
diameter; 直径
digit; 桁、any of the numbers from 0 to 9 (OALD)
Everyone knows that pie is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, but what are the first 10 digits of pie?
woodchuck; 北アメリカに多くいるかわいいネズミ類
chuck; to throw away
If a woodchuck could chuck 60 pounds of wood in 1.5 days, how many pounds of wood would a woodchuck chuck in 6 days?
Answer 240
consecutive prime numbers; 連続する素数(2,3, 5,7,,,)
The sum of three consecutive prime numbers is 173. What is the largest of these numbers?
Answer 61
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